246. Elizabeth7 BARBER (Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#129) was born in RI 17 OCT 1779. Elizabeth died 3 DEC 1823 in Chenango Co., NY, at age 44.
She married Asa BABCOCK 19 DEC 1805 in RI. (Asa BABCOCK is #727.) Asa was born date unknown.
When Elizabeth was age 26 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Thomas Barber BABCOCK 24 SEP 1806 in Washington Co., RI. When Elizabeth was age 28 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of George W. BABCOCK 27 OCT 1807 in Washington Co., RI. When Elizabeth was age 29 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Mary Louise BABCOCK 3 FEB 1809 in Washington Co., RI. When Elizabeth was age 31 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Asa BABCOCK 3 JAN 1811 in Washington Co., RI. When Elizabeth was age 33 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Elizabeth BABCOCK 28 JUN 1813 in Washington Co., RI. When Elizabeth was age 35 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Christopher John BABCOCK 14 DEC 1814 in Chenango Co., NY. When Elizabeth was age 38 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Amy BABCOCK 7 SEP 1818 in Cortland Co., NY. When Elizabeth was age 41 and Asa BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of William A. BABCOCK 19 NOV 1820 in Cortland Co., NY.
Elizabeth BARBER and Asa BABCOCK had the following children:
415 i. Thomas Barber8 BABCOCK (#8620) was born in Washington Co., RI 24 SEP 1806. Thomas died 1871 in NY, at age 64. He married Abigail WENTWORTH 1843. (Abigail WENTWORTH is #9600.)
416 ii. George W. BABCOCK (#8621) was born in Washington Co., RI 27 OCT 1807. George died 1885 in NY, at age 77. He married Mary King RICHARDS 1834. (Mary King RICHARDS is #9602.)
417 iii. Mary Louise BABCOCK (#8622) was born in Washington Co., RI 3 FEB 1809.
418 iv. Asa BABCOCK (#8623) was born in Washington Co., RI 3 JAN 1811. Asa died 1891 in NY, at age 80. He married Clementine WEBSTER date unknown. (Clementine WEBSTER is #9603.)
419 v. Elizabeth BABCOCK (#8624) was born in Washington Co., RI 28 JUN 1813. Elizabeth died 1892 in NY, at age 79. She married Allen PRENTICE 1831. (Allen PRENTICE is #9601.)
420 vi. Christopher John BABCOCK (#8625) was born in Chenango Co., NY 14 DEC 1814. Christopher died 1894 at age 79. He married twice. He married Rebecca A. SMITH 1838. (Rebecca A. SMITH is #9604.) He married Harriet BUTTON 1844. (Harriet BUTTON is #9605.)
421 vii. Amy BABCOCK (#8626) was born in Cortland Co., NY 7 SEP 1818. Amy died ca 1837 at age unknown. She married Alonzo BURDICK ca 1835. (Alonzo BURDICK is #9606.)
422 viii. William A. BABCOCK (#8627) was born in Cortland Co., NY 19 NOV 1820. He married Harriet PELTON 1846. (Harriet PELTON is #9607.)
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