345. Matthew Calbraith8 PERRY (Capt. Christopher Raymond7, Hon. "Judge" Freeman6, Susannah5 BARBER, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#5347) was born in RI 10 APR 1794. Matthew died 4 MAR 1858 in NY, at age 63.
He married Jane SLIDELL date unknown. (Jane SLIDELL is #7024.) Jane was born 1797. Jane died 1882 at age 85.
When Matthew was age 22 and Jane SLIDELL was age 19 they became the parents of John Slidell PERRY 1816. When Matthew was age 24 and Jane SLIDELL was age 21 they became the parents of Sarah PERRY 1818. When Matthew was age 25 and Jane SLIDELL was age 22 they became the parents of Jane Oliver Hazard PERRY 1819. When Matthew was age 27 and Jane SLIDELL was age 24 they became the parents of Matthew C. PERRY Jr. 1821. When Matthew was age 30 and Jane SLIDELL was age 27 they became the parents of Susan M. PERRY 1824. When Matthew was age 31 and Jane SLIDELL was age 28 they became the parents of Oliver Hazard PERRY 1825. When Matthew was age 34 and Jane SLIDELL was age 31 they became the parents of William Frederick PERRY 1828. When Matthew was age 35 and Jane SLIDELL was age 32 they became the parents of Caroline Slidell PERRY 1829. When Matthew was age 40 and Jane SLIDELL was age 37 they became the parents of Isabella Bolton PERRY 1834. When Matthew was age 44 and Jane SLIDELL was age 41 they became the parents of Anna Rodgers PERRY 1838. It is said that he started the trade with Japan.
Matthew Calbraith Perry was a sailor in the Navy in
the mid nineteenth century. He was an avid sailor, diplomat, naval
reformer, and advocate of the steam navy. He served in the
United States Navy for forty-two years. First he
considered a career as a civilian merchant man, but decided to go
into the navy. He was appointed to Lieutenant Perry
of the brig Chippewa. Then Lieutenant Perry was promoted to
First Lieutenant Perry of the Cyane. In 1821 Perry
gained first command of the schooner Shark. He was transferred
to the North Carolina. Then he was given the
commanding post at the Brooklyn Naval Yards.
Matthew Perry’s family lived on the western shore of the Narragansett Bay. His parents were Sarah and
Christopher. He was the forth child and was born April 10, 1794. His brother was Oliver Hazard Perry of Battle of
Lake Erie fame (commanding officer on the American side).
Matthew Calbraith PERRY and Jane SLIDELL had the following children:
485 i. John Slidell9 PERRY (#7025) was born 1816. John died 1817 at age 1.
486 ii. Sarah PERRY (#7026) was born 1818. She married Mr. ? RODGERS 1841. (Mr. ? RODGERS is #7027.)
487 iii. Jane Oliver Hazard PERRY (#7028) was born 1819. Jane died 1882 at age 63. She married Mr. ? HONE 1841. (Mr. ? HONE is #7029.)
488 iv. Matthew C. PERRY Jr. (#7030) was born 1821. Matthew died 1873 at age 52. He married Harriet E. TAYLOR 1853. (Harriet E. TAYLOR is #7031.)
489 v. Susan M. PERRY (#7032) was born 1824. Susan died 1825 at age 1.
490 vi. Oliver Hazard PERRY (#7033) was born 1825. Oliver died 1870 at age 45. never married.
491 vii. William Frederick PERRY (#7034) was born 1828. William died 1884 at age 56. never married
492 viii. Caroline Slidell PERRY (#7035) was born 1829. Caroline died 1892 at age 63. She married Mr. ? BELMONT 1849. (Mr. ? BELMONT is #7036.)
493 ix. Isabella Bolton PERRY (#7037) was born 1834. Isabella died 1912 at age 78. She married Mr. ? TIFFANY 1864. (Mr. ? TIFFANY is #7039.)
494 x. Anna Rodgers PERRY (#7038) was born 1838. Anna died 1839 at age 1.
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