450. Moses Jesse9 BARBER (Jesse8, Lt. Col. Moses7, James6, William5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7461) was born in South Kingstown, RI 28 JUL 1851. Moses died 16 JAN 1947 in East Greenwich, RI, at age 95.
He married Mary Arnold HOUGHTON 4 MAY 1881. (Mary Arnold HOUGHTON is #7462.) Mary was born date unknown in NY.
When Moses was age 30 and Mary Arnold HOUGHTON was age unknown they became the parents of Adelaide Sherman BARBER 16 FEB 1882. When Moses was age 31 and Mary Arnold HOUGHTON was age unknown they became the parents of Grace Arnold BARBER 30 APR 1883 in RI. When Moses was age 33 and Mary Arnold HOUGHTON was age unknown they became the parents of Arthur Houghton BARBER 19 MAY 1885 in RI. When Moses was age 36 and Mary Arnold HOUGHTON was age unknown they became the parents of Walter Ormsbee BARBER 17 APR 1888 in RI.
Moses Jesse BARBER and Mary Arnold HOUGHTON had the following children:
643 i. Adelaide Sherman10 BARBER (#7463) was born 16 FEB 1882.
644 ii. Grace Arnold BARBER (#7464) was born in RI 30 APR 1883.
645 iii. Arthur Houghton BARBER (#7465) was born in RI 19 MAY 1885. Arthur died date unknown in CT, at age unknown.
646 iv. Walter Ormsbee BARBER (#7466) was born in RI 17 APR 1888.
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