67. Mary6 BARBER (Samuel5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7484) was born in Washington Co., RI 12 JUN 1721. Mary died 28 FEB 1808 in Washington Co., RI, at age 86.
She married twice. She married Thomas JAMES date unknown. (Thomas JAMES is #7485.) She married David MOORE 24 NOV 1745 in Charlestown, RI. (David MOORE is #7488.)
When Mary was age 16 and Thomas JAMES was age unknown they became the parents of Jonathon JAMES 1737. When Mary was age unknown and Thomas JAMES was age unknown they became the parents of Thomas JAMES ca 1739 in RI. When Mary was age 38 and David MOORE was age unknown they became the parents of Silas MOORE 14 NOV 1759. When Mary was age 46 and David MOORE was age unknown they became the parents of Phebe MOORE 5 OCT 1767.
Mary BARBER and David MOORE had the following children:
171 iii. Elizabeth MOORE (#7493).
176 viii. Silas MOORE (#7489) was born 14 NOV 1759.
177 ix. Phebe MOORE (#7490) was born 5 OCT 1767.
Mary BARBER and Thomas JAMES had the following children:
178 x. Jonathon JAMES (#7486) was born 1737.
179 xi. Thomas JAMES (#7487) was born in RI ca 1739.
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