473. Silas Bitgood9 BARBER (Aaron8, Moses7, Moses6, Samuel5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7741) was born 16 MAR 1848.
He married Susan BITGOOD 13 NOV 1870. (Susan BITGOOD is #7744.)
When Silas was age 23 and Susan BITGOOD was age unknown they became the parents of Charles Aaron BARBER 22 SEP 1871. When Silas was age 25 and Susan BITGOOD was age unknown they became the parents of Silas BARBER 12 NOV 1873. When Silas was age 29 and Susan BITGOOD was age unknown they became the parents of Frank BARBER 15 JUL 1877. When Silas was age 35 and Susan BITGOOD was age unknown they became the parents of John K. BARBER 18 AUG 1883.
Silas Bitgood BARBER and Susan BITGOOD had the following children:
652 i. Charles Aaron10 BARBER (#7745) was born 22 SEP 1871. Charles died 1937 at age 65.
653 ii. Silas BARBER (#7746) was born 12 NOV 1873.
654 iii. Frank BARBER (#7747) was born 15 JUL 1877.
655 iv. John K. BARBER (#7748) was born 18 AUG 1883.
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