604. Allen9 BARBER (Thomas James8, Deacon Weeden B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8640) was born in RI 12 JUN 1841. Allen died 17 JAN 1923 in Lancaster Co., NE, at age 81.

He married Sarah Ellen BROWN 29 NOV 1863 in RI. (Sarah Ellen BROWN is #8644.) Sarah was born 23 MAY 1843 in CT.

When Allen was age 27 and Sarah Ellen BROWN was age 25 they became the parents of Alice Gertrude BARBER 6 AUG 1868 in Knox Co., IL. When Allen was age 29 and Sarah Ellen BROWN was age 27 they became the parents of Allen Lincoln BARBER 28 APR 1871 in Knox Co., IL. Allen Barber and wife were educated in the public schools, and both attended the Westerly High School. After their marriage they moved to Hartford, Conn., and remained till 1865, then to Galesburg, Illinois, in 1866 to 1872, and again removed to Lincoln, Neb., in 1873, where they purchased 240 acres of valuable land within the city limits. At Havelock, two miles from their residence, the Burlington Rail Road located their locomotive shops, employing over 600 men, with a monthly payroll of $30,000. Mr. Barber is a farmer and stock-raiser, assisted by his son; Republican; attends the Baptist Church. Residence in 1906, Havelock, Nebraska.

Allen BARBER and Sarah Ellen BROWN had the following children:

child 763 i. Alice Gertrude10 BARBER (#8645) was born in Knox Co., IL 6 AUG 1868.

child 764 ii. Allen Lincoln BARBER (#8646) was born in Knox Co., IL 28 APR 1871.

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