361. Timothy Champlin8 BARBER (Zebulon7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8655) was born 1802. Timothy died 1889 in NY, at age 87.

He married Malancey (?) BARBER date unknown in NY. (Malancey (?) BARBER is #10292.) Malancey was born 1806 in NY. Malancey died date unknown in NY, at age unknown.

When Timothy was age 28 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 24 they became the parents of William BARBER 1830 in NY. When Timothy was age 30 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 26 they became the parents of Mahlon BARBER 1832 in NY. When Timothy was age 32 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 28 they became the parents of Charles BARBER 1834. When Timothy was age 35 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 31 they became the parents of Janett BARBER 1837 in NY. When Timothy was age 41 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 37 they became the parents of George BARBER 1843 in NY. When Timothy was age 44 and Malancey (?) BARBER was age 40 they became the parents of Leaman BARBER 1846 in NY. In the Census of census year unknown, Timothy was listed as a head of household in Pomfret, Chautauqua Co., NY.

Timothy Champlin BARBER and Malancey (?) BARBER had the following children:

child 518 i. William9 BARBER (#10293) was born in NY 1830.

child 519 ii. Mahlon BARBER (#10294) was born in NY 1832.

child 520 iii. Charles BARBER (#10295) was born 1834.

child 521 iv. Janett BARBER (#10296) was born in NY 1837.

child 522 v. George BARBER (#10297) was born in NY 1843.

child 523 vi. Leaman BARBER (#10298) was born in NY 1846. could have been Luman Barber

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