439. Rathburn8 BARBER JR. (Rathburn7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8937) was born in NY 1805.
He married Julia Ann HARRIS date unknown. (Julia Ann HARRIS is #8950.) Julia was born 1817 in NY. Julia was the daughter of William HARRIS and Nancy DAVIS.
When Rathburn was age unknown and Julia Ann HARRIS was age unknown they became the parents of Addison BARBER ca 1836 in NY. When Rathburn was age 32 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 20 they became the parents of Frederick BARBER 1837 in NY. When Rathburn was age 34 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 22 they became the parents of Franklin BARBER 1839 in NY. When Rathburn was age 36 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 24 they became the parents of Bradford BARBER 1841 in NY. When Rathburn was age 39 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 27 they became the parents of Jane BARBER 1844 in NY. When Rathburn was age 48 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 36 they became the parents of Alice BARBER 1853 in Onondaga Co., NY. When Rathburn was age 50 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 38 they became the parents of Mary E. BARBER 1855 in Onondaga Co., NY. When Rathburn was age 53 and Julia Ann HARRIS was age 41 they became the parents of Lewis BARBER 1858 in Onondaga Co., NY. Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Spafford, Onondaga, New York
I have also seen additional sons listed as Edward bn 1847, and John bn 1850.
his birth mother per the spafford mortuary obit was Robe Wilcox! she died 4 NOV 1859 age 77 yrs, 9 mos, 11 days.
Rathburn BARBER Jr. and Julia Ann HARRIS had the following children:
+ 623 i. Addison9 BARBER was born ca 1836.
624 ii. Frederick BARBER (#8951) was born in NY 1837. He married Alvira SERVANT date unknown. (Alvira SERVANT is #10319.)
625 iii. Franklin BARBER (#8952) was born in NY 1839. He married twice. He married Mary OWEN date unknown. (Mary OWEN is #10320.) He married Samantha BELKNAPP date unknown. (Samantha BELKNAPP is #10321.)
+ 626 iv. Bradford BARBER was born 1841.
627 v. Jane BARBER (#8954) was born in NY 1844. she was deaf and dumb (mute)
628 vi. Alice BARBER (#8955) was born in Onondaga Co., NY 1853. She married John RANDALL date unknown. (John RANDALL is #10322.)
629 vii. Mary E. BARBER (#8956) was born in Onondaga Co., NY 1855. She married Harrison MORRIS date unknown. (Harrison MORRIS is #10323.)
630 viii. Lewis BARBER (#8957) was born in Onondaga Co., NY 1858. He married Amy JOHNSON date unknown. (Amy JOHNSON is #10324.)
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