894. Warren Alonzo11 GAMBLE JR. (Warren Alonzo10, Cordelia Calista9 BARBER, Rev. Bradford Kenyon8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#6961) was born WI 18 FEB 1918. Warren died 26 SEP 2003 in Spokane Co., WA, at age 85.
He married Gertrude NYE 1941. (Gertrude NYE is #9507.) Gertrude was born 17 SEP 1921.
When Warren was age 28 and Gertrude NYE was age 24 they became the parents of Joan GAMBLE 25 JUL 1946. When Warren was age 31 and Gertrude NYE was age 28 they became the parents of James GAMBLE 3 JAN 1950.
Warren Alonzo GAMBLE Jr. and Gertrude NYE had the following children:
1034 i. Joan12 GAMBLE (#9508) (still alive).
1035 ii. James GAMBLE (#9509) (still alive).
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