836. Bernice M.11 BARBER (Harry Carmy10, Joel H.9, Joel8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8010) was born in ND 1 APR 1892. Bernice died 30 JUN 1990 in Harris Co., TX, at age 98.

She married Harry Albert SCOTT date unknown. (Harry Albert SCOTT is #11119.) Harry was born 23 JUN 1891 in Terre Haute, IN. Harry died before 1930 at age unknown.

When Bernice was age 22 and Harry Albert SCOTT was age 23 they became the parents of Jean SCOTT 1914 in ND. When Bernice was age 23 and Harry Albert SCOTT was age 24 they became the parents of Lucile SCOTT 1915 in ND. When Bernice was age 25 and Harry Albert SCOTT was age 26 they became the parents of Barbara SCOTT 1917 in ND. When Bernice was age 27 and Harry Albert SCOTT was age 28 they became the parents of Layne H. SCOTT 1919 in ND. had children

Bernice M. BARBER and Harry Albert SCOTT had the following children:

child 947 i. Jean12 SCOTT (#11125) was born in ND 1914. 1940 census she is residing in ND Stutsman Co., ND with her mother and siblings no father?

child 948 ii. Lucile SCOTT (#11126) was born in ND 1915. in the 1930 Census ND she is residing with Aunt and Uncle Clarence Cummings

child 949 iii. Barbara SCOTT (#11127) was born in ND 1917.

child 950 iv. Layne H. SCOTT (#11128) was born in ND 1919.

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