838. Sarah Lucille11 BARBER (Harry Carmy10, Joel H.9, Joel8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8012) was born in ND 6 MAY 1897. Sarah died 13 JUN 1992 in Barnes Co., ND, at age 95.

She married Clarence CUMMINGS date unknown. (Clarence CUMMINGS is #11120.) Clarence was born 1892 in IA.

When Sarah was age 26 and Clarence CUMMINGS was age 31 they became the parents of Dora CUMMINGS 1923 in North Dakota. When Sarah was age 27 and Clarence CUMMINGS was age 32 they became the parents of Kent Barber CUMMINGS 4 FEB 1925.

Sarah Lucille BARBER and Clarence CUMMINGS had the following children:

child 952 i. Dora12 CUMMINGS (#11129) was born in North Dakota 1923.

child + 953 ii. Kent Barber CUMMINGS was born 4 FEB 1925.

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