1066. Ray Edwin12 BARBER (Gue Eli11, Horace Parker10, Solomon9, Daniel8, Gideon7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#9200) was born 17 DEC 1911.
He married twice. He married Hazel Jean GIFFORD date unknown. (Hazel Jean GIFFORD is #9203.) He married Helen Jean CHASE date unknown. (Helen Jean CHASE is #9205.) Helen was born 30 NOV 1909.
When Ray was age 25 and Hazel Jean GIFFORD was age unknown they became the parents of Beverly Rae BARBER 10 DEC 1937. When Ray was age 29 and Helen Jean CHASE was age 32 they became the parents of Larry Ray BARBER 15 DEC 1941. When Ray was age 33 and Helen Jean CHASE was age 35 they became the parents of Robert Wayne BARBER 25 APR 1945.
Ray Edwin BARBER and Hazel Jean GIFFORD had the following child:
Beverly Rae13 BARBER (#9204) (living status unknown).
Ray Edwin BARBER and Helen Jean CHASE had the following children:
Larry Ray BARBER (still alive).
Robert Wayne BARBER (still alive).
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