17. Moses4 BARBER (James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) reference LJ(B)S (#140) was born in Newport, Newport Co., RI before 1652. it is thought he may have been born in January 1652 possibly the 5th, it is also believed that his mother was Eleanor ? Moses died circa 1732 in South Kingstown, Washington Co., RI, at age unknown. some records indicate the date of death was 24 Mar 1728, and others 17 DEC 1733 His body was interred circa 1732 in South Kingstown Co., R.I.. Non-Cemetery Burial, Specifically: Buried n/w Barbers Pond
He married twice. He married Anna BABCOCK circa 1679 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. (Anna BABCOCK is #732.) Anna was born circa 1663 in Washington Co., RI. Anna was the daughter of John BABCOCK and Mary LAWTON. Anna died circa 1688 in Newport, Newport Co., RI, at age unknown. Though have seen the death listed as 1690/91, I believe the 1688 is correct and has been posted on many sites as such.
Her body was interred circa 1688 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. He married Susannah WEST 24 MAR 1690/1 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. (Susannah WEST is #740.) Susannah was born circa 1674 in North Kingstown, Washington Co., R.I.. Susannah was the daughter of Francis John WEST and Susannah SOULE. Susannah died circa 1757 in Charlestown, RI, at age unknown. between 21 Sep 1755 and 4 Apr 1758, as the dates of her will being written and proved. also an alternate location of death has been also listed as Kingston, Plymouth Co., MA
Her body was interred circa 1757 in Charlestown, RI. "Susanna Wast, born about 1666 in North Kingston, Rhode Island. She married Moses Barber on March 24, 1691 or 1692 in North Kingston. He died in 1733. Susanna died about March, 1758 in South Kingston, Rhode Island."
When Moses was age 28 and Anna BABCOCK was age 16 they became the parents of William BARBER 5 JAN 1680 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. When Moses was age 30 and Anna BABCOCK was age 18 they became the parents of Sarah BARBER 25 MAR 1682 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. When Moses was age unknown and Anna BABCOCK was age unknown they became the parents of Moses Jr. BARBER circa 1683 in Newport, Newport Co., RI. When Moses was age 40 and Susannah WEST was age 17 they became the parents of Dinah BARBER 5 JAN 1691/2 in N. Kingstown, RI. When Moses was age 41 and Susannah WEST was age 18 they became the parents of Lydia BARBER 24 FEB 1692/3 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 43 and Susannah WEST was age 21 they became the parents of Samuel BARBER 8 NOV 1695 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 45 and Susannah WEST was age 23 they became the parents of Susannah BARBER 23 OCT 1697 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 47 and Susannah WEST was age 25 they became the parents of Thomas BARBER 19 OCT 1699 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 49 and Susannah WEST was age 27 they became the parents of Joseph BARBER 16 OCT 1701 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 53 and Susannah WEST was age 30 they became the parents of Ruth BARBER 23 JUN 1705 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 53 and Susannah WEST was age 31 they became the parents of Martha BARBER 30 NOV 1705 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 54 and Susannah WEST was age 31 they became the parents of Benjamin BARBER 10 MAR 1705/6 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 56 and Susannah WEST was age 33 they became the parents of Mercy BARBER 13 MAR 1707/8 in N. Kingstown, RI. When Moses was age 58 and Susannah WEST was age 35 they became the parents of Ezekiel BARBER 6 MAR 1710 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 61 and Susannah WEST was age 38 they became the parents of Abigail BARBER 6 JAN 1712/13 in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 62 and Susannah WEST was age 39 they became the parents of Daniel BARBER 22 APR 1714 in S. Kingston, Washington Co., RI. When Moses was age 65 and Susannah WEST was age 43 they became the parents of Anne BARBER 8 OCT 1717 in S. Kingston, Washington Co., RI. Moses owned and operated a grist mill and was also a farmer. Moses died at his South Kingstown home between the dates of 15 Apr 1728 when his will was written and 17 Dec 1733 when it was proved. Burial was probably to the west or northwest of Barber's Pond but there are not markers or records of proof... His house stood on a knoll known as Bald Hill, just west of Barber's pond. It should be noted that Moses is also spelled Mofes in many documents.
Dated 29 March 1728, proved on 17 December 1733. [1]
"In The Name of God Amen the Twenty Ninth day of March 1728 I Moses Barber Sen-r of South Kingstown In the Colony of Rhod Island Yeoman being Aged and Weak In Body but of Perfect Mind and Memory thanks be Given unto God for it therefore Calling into mind the Mortallity of My body and Knowing that it is Appointed for all men once to Dye Do Make and Ordain this My Last Will & Testament that is to Say principally and First of all I Give and Recommend my soul Into the Hands of God that Gave it and my body to be burried In Decent Christian Burial at the Discrestion of My Executrix and Executor Hearafter Named Nothing Doubting but at the Generall Reasurrection I shall Receive the Same again by the Mighty Power of God & As Touching upon Such Worldly Estate Wherewith It hath Pleased God to bless me In this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the same In the following manner and Form that is to say --
"Imprimus After my Just Debts Funeral Charges and Legacies are Duly Discharged and paid by my Executrix and or Executor The use of the Rest of my Movable Estate I Give and bequeath to Susanah my Wife So Long as She Remains my Widow as also the use of my Homested farm and House with all the priviledges and profits therewith belonging and further my Will is that at the Decease of my wife Susannah that then all the Remaining part of my said Estate Shall be Equally Divided between the Daughters of my said Wife or their Children.
"Item I Give unto my Son William Barber one shilling In token of my Love he having Recieved his portion already In Land.
"Item I Give unto my Son Moses Barber one Shilling in Token of my Love to him He having Recieved his portion already In Land.
"Item I Give unto my Son Samuel Barber one Shilling in token of My Love to him he Having Recieved his portion already In Land.
"Item I Give unto my Son Thomas Barber one Shilling In token of my Love to him he having Recieved his portion already In Land.
"Item I Give unto my Son Joseph Barber one Shilling In token of my Love to him he having Recieved his portion already In Land.
"Item I Give unto my Son Benjamin Barber a Certain Tract or parcell of Land Scituate Lying and being In Westerly by Estimation one hundred and Forty Six Acres which I bought of Francis Colgrove to be to him my said Son Benjamin and to his heirs & Assigns Forever.
"Item I Give unto my Son Ezekiel Barber twenty Acres of Land being the North West Corner of my Homstead Farm Bounded Westerly on the Pebignamscut Line & Easterly on Yancey's Pond I allso Give to my Said son Ezekiel Barber Twenty Five Acres of Land on the South East Corner of My Homestead Farm be the Same more or less - Butted and bounded as followeth Begining at a Certain Rock by the Pond where the brook Runs out of the pond and to Extend Westward to a Laege Oak Tree and heap of stones and so to Extend the Same Course to Samuel Barbers Land Southward on the Land of Robert Willcox and Eastward on the sd Brook and the brook is the bounds to the before Mentioned Rock and both the above mentioned percells of Land Which I give to my said Son Ezekiel Barber to him his heirs and assigns forever. I allso give to my Said Son Ezekiel Barber one Loom and All my Weaving Utentials.
"Item I Give unto my Son Daniel Barber all my Remainding part of my homstead Farm with all the housing Orchard and Fencing and all other to the same Belonging to him my said Son Daniel Barber and to his heirs and assigns forever.
"Item I Give to my Youngest Daughter Ann Barber one Good feather Bead well Fixed and Twenty pounds In money to be paid to her when she Comes to the Age of Eighteen Years.
"Item I Give to all my Daughters which are Married to Each of them Five Shillings In Token of My Love They Having Recieved their portion already. also I Give to the heirs of my Daughter Lydia Mery Deceased Five shillings. Lastly my Will Is and I Do hereby Order Constitue and Appoint my True and Loving Wife my Executrix As allso my Son Benjamin Barber my Executor & this my Last will and Testament and I Do hereby Utterly Disallow Revoke and disannul All and Every Other Former Testaments Wills Leagacies and Bequeaths and Executors by Me In any Ways Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and No other to be my Last will and Testament In Wittness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Day and Year above Written.
his Moses M Barber (seal) mark "Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the said Moses Barber as his Last Will and Testament In the Presence of us the Subscribers Benjamin Potter Josiah Shearman Isaac Shelden" "Isaac Shelden and Benjamin Potter Both appeared before the town Councill of South Kingstown this 17th Day of December 1733 and Did Declare upon Oath that they did see the above Moses Barber Sign Seal and Declare the above and foregoing to be his Last Will and Testament that at the same time he was In his perfect Mind and Memory and that they then In his presence signed as Wittnesses to the same allso att the same time saw Josiah Shearman Deceased sign as a wittness thereto in said Barbers presence. This Will being proved as abovesd the Town Councill Doth Approve of the Same Robert Hannah Councill clerk."
"A true inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Moses Barber of South Kingstown in Kings County and Colony of Rhoad Island Yeoman Late Deceased" was taken by Daniel Knowles and Isaac Shelden dated 13 December 1733.
Imprimus his Wearing apparrel and 10 yd of cloath 9--10--00 To Books and 8 Old Silver Spoons 10--00--00 To Money Due by Bonds 94--00--00 To Money Due by Benj-n Barber 5--00--00 To bills of Credit 9--00--00 To Neat Cattle and Sheep 68--00--00 To Some Cloath and Yarn 5--19--00 To a broad Cloath Mantle & Some bed lining 2--05--00 To some flax yarn and Mohair 0--08--04 To horse kind and one Trunk 13--02--00 To Swine and Gese 8--07--00 To Cotton Woll & pillar Case and Combe Wool 2--17--00 To Woosted and Yarn 3--00--06 To Pork and Beef and Meet Ca?? 25--10--00 To Sheeps Wool and Tallow 2--04--09 To a Tub and Sum Fat & Two Earthen Potts & butter 1--17--00 To a Tub and Tab??s & two old Sudt? and Trillion?? 3--15--00 To a Lining Wheel and 3 Bells & a brand Iron 2--00--00 To 1 Lome Some Stays and 2 Chest 4--10--00 To old Iron and woosted Cloath and Sheep Shears 2--05--00 To Shoe Making Tools and 1 Gimblet (?) & Sum bea?? 1--05--00 To a Warming Pan & box Iron 1--00--00 To 1 Grind Stone and a hive of bees 2--00--00 To 1 Cart and Wheels & farming Utentials 15--16--00 To 3 pots and 3 Kettles & Other Iron things 8--03--00 To hay & Oats & Corn In the Cribb 2--10--00 To 1 Hetchel & some flax and a pitch fork 1--05--00 To 2 Old Wooling Wheels & five Tables 3--15--00 To feathers In a Barell and sive & Meal bag 3--06--00 To 3 feather Beads & furniture beloning to them 39--00--00 To 1 flock bead & furniture 9--10--00 To Two Chest 6 Chaces a Cradle and Candlestick 2--05--00 To Lumber and Turnups and Cabbidge In Cellar 1--00--00 To 2 Hogsheads & Sum Sider 1--00--00 To Lumber In the Kitchen and Kitchen Chamber 2--06--00 To puter and Earthen and Knife and fork 7--01--00 To a Razour and Beaswax and Two Hides 1--15--00 To 2 Old Boxes and some salt 0--12--00 To 2 Steel Traps and a pair of Cards 1 Ax and 3 Rakes 2--00--00 ================================================== 452--19--10 The inventory was presented by Susannah Barber, widow and Executrix of Moses Barber of South Kingstown, deceased, and Benjamin Barber the son of the said Moses Barber, to the South Kingstown Town Council on 17 December 1733.
The personal inventory totalled 452 pounds, 19 shillings, 10 pence.
Moses BARBER and Anna BABCOCK had the following children:
William5 BARBER was born 5 JAN 1680.
Sarah BARBER was born 25 MAR 1682.
Moses Jr. BARBER was born circa 1683.
Moses BARBER and Susannah WEST had the following children:
Dinah BARBER was born 5 JAN 1691/2.
Lydia BARBER (#806) was born in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI 24 FEB 1692/3. Lydia died 29 MAY 1728 in
Charlestown, Washington Co., RI, at age 35. She married Benjamin MOWRY 1714 in Washington Co.,
RI. (Benjamin MOWRY is #807.) Benjamin was born date unknown. Lydia may have had a son named Benjamin Mowry Jr. further
research needed.
Samuel BARBER was born 8 NOV 1695.
Susannah BARBER was born 23 OCT 1697.
Thomas BARBER was born 19 OCT 1699.
Joseph BARBER was born 16 OCT 1701.
Ruth BARBER was born 23 JUN 1705.
Martha BARBER (#748) was born in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI 30 NOV 1705. Martha died 4 MAR 1773 at
age 67. She married Thomas PARKER 3 OCT 1727 in Washington Co., RI. (Thomas PARKER is #755.)
Thomas was born 1699. Thomas was the son of Ichabod PARKER. Thomas died 4 MAR 1773 in Washington Co., RI, at age
Benjamin BARBER was born 10 MAR 1705/6.
Mercy BARBER was born 13 MAR 1707/8.
Ezekiel BARBER was born 6 MAR 1710.
Abigail BARBER (#1367) was born in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI 6 JAN 1712/13. Abigail died date
unknown in N. Kingstown, Washington Co., RI, at age unknown. never married, as she died young
Daniel BARBER was born 22 APR 1714.
Anne BARBER was born 8 OCT 1717.
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