331. Moses8 BARBER (Moses7, Moses6, Samuel5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7708) was born 23 JU N 1794.
He married Mary CRANDALL date unknown. (Mary CRANDALL is #9558.)
When Moses was age 33 and Mary CRANDALL was age unknown they became the parents of Blanchard Azaria Jenks BARBER 7 AUG 1827.
Moses BARBER and Mary CRANDALL had the following child:
Blanchard Azaria Jenks9 BARBER (#9559) was born 7 AUG 1827. Blanchard died
8 SEP 1902 in NY, at age 75. He married Olive Amelia HAMILTON date unknown. (Olive Amelia HAMILTON
is #9560.)
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