332. Robert Niles8 BARBER (Moses7, Moses6, Samuel5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7709) was born 21 AUG 1796. Robert died 3 JAN 1887 at age 90.
He married Lydia TEFFT 14 NOV 1820 in RI. (Lydia TEFFT is #7710.) Lydia was born 3 FEB 1800. Lydia died date unknown in RI, at age unknown.
When Robert was age 24 and Lydia TEFFT was age 21 they became the parents of Lucy A. BARBER 1821 in RI. When Robert was age 44 and Lydia TEFFT was age 41 they became the parents of Susan Caroline BARBER 10 JUN 1841.
Robert Niles BARBER and Lydia TEFFT had the following children:
467 i. Lucy A.9 BARBER (#7711) was born in RI 1821. Lucy died 7 NOV 1899 at age 78. She married a Amos P. Barber son of Sheffield & Mary (Palmer) Barber, which is the son of Daniel Barber(2 gen.)
468 ii. Susan Caroline BARBER (#7712) was born 10 JUN 1841. Susan died 2 MAY 1906 at age 64. She married Edward LOVEJOY date unknown. (Edward LOVEJOY is #7713.)
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