1165. Amy Louise13 BARBER (Charles Joseph12, Charles Delbert "Red"11, John Charles10, Bradford Adalbert "John"9, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#189) was born in Defiance Co., OH 10 OCT 1960. Amy died 22 JUL 2019 in Lakeland, FL, at age 58.
She married three times.
She was baptized 1960 in St. John's Cath., Defiance Co., OH. Amy was adopted 1960 at age unknown. When Amy was age 16 and Mr. CHAPIAN was age unknown they became the parents of Chad Anthony BARBER FONT 8 SEP 1977 in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH. When Amy was age 23 and Daniel R. FONT was age 31 they became the parents of Laura Louise FONT 16 SEP 1984 in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH. When Amy was age 28 and Daniel R. FONT was age 36 they became the parents of Sarah Josephine FONT 5 MAY 1989 in Defiance, Defiance Co., OH. LAKELAND, Fla. — Amy Louise Schaffer (Barber), 58, passed away in Lakeland, Fla., on Monday, July 22, 2019.
She was originally from Defiance, Ohio. She was a loving mother, daughter and grandmother.
Her father, Charles Barber, preceded her in death. Amy left behind her mother, Norma Barber-Hurst; her brother, Michael Barber; her longtime boyfriend, James Schaffer; and three children, Chad Font, Laura Pierce and Sarah Font, as well as five grandchildren. She is already greatly missed by everyone that knew her.
A celebration of life memorial will be held in Defiance at St. John’s Catholic Church on September 28, 2019, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. All who want to remember Amy respectfully are welcome to join us in the basement of the church.
Amy Louise BARBER and Mr. CHAPIAN had the following child:
Chad Anthony BARBER14 FONT (still alive).
Amy Louise BARBER and Daniel R. FONT had the following children:
Laura Louise FONT (still alive).
Sarah Josephine FONT (still alive).
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