983. Erdine12 BURGBACHER (Osa11 WITT, John Weller10, Eliza Ann9 BARBER, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#4617) birth date unknown. Erdine died 1 OCT 1998 at age unknown.
She married Kenneth KOSIER date unknown. (Kenneth KOSIER is #4618.) Kenneth was born 26 JAN 1901 in Kunkle, Williams Co., OH. Kenneth died MAR 1984 in Stryker, Williams Co., OH, at age 83.
When Erdine was age unknown and Kenneth KOSIER was age 33 they became the parents of Deloris KOSIER 15 MAR 1934. When Erdine was age unknown and Kenneth KOSIER was age 35 they became the parents of Kenneth Gary KOSIER 31 MAR 1936. When Erdine was age unknown and Kenneth KOSIER was age 37 they became the parents of Arthur Barton "Bart" KOSIER 2 SEP 1938.
Erdine BURGBACHER and Kenneth KOSIER had the following children:
Deloris13 KOSIER (#4619) (still alive).
Kenneth Gary KOSIER (still alive).
Arthur Barton "Bart" KOSIER (#6522) (still alive).
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