755. Franklin Lonson10 BARBER (John Child9, Alanson8, Ichabod7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7255) was born in St. Paul, MN 1872. Franklin died 1952 at age 80.
He married Carrie H. DRAKE date unknown. (Carrie H. DRAKE is #8016.) Carrie was born 1874 in NJ. Carrie died 1955 at age 81. Also seen as Carry T. Barber
When Franklin was age 28 and Carrie H. DRAKE was age 26 they became the parents of Franklin Drake BARBER 5 OCT 1900 in St. Paul, MN. When Franklin was age 30 and Carrie H. DRAKE was age 28 they became the parents of Mary Elizabeth BARBER 17 NOV 1902 in MN. When Franklin was age 38 and Carrie H. DRAKE was age 36 they became the parents of John Child BARBER Sr. 10 MAR 1911 in IL.
Franklin Lonson BARBER and Carrie H. DRAKE had the following children:
916 i. Franklin Drake11 BARBER (#10455) was born in St. Paul, MN 5 OCT 1900. Franklin died 10 MAY 1976 in Cook Co., IL, at age 75.
+ 917 ii. Mary Elizabeth BARBER was born 17 NOV 1902.
+ 918 iii. John Child BARBER Sr. was born 10 MAR 1911.
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