917. Mary Elizabeth11 BARBER (Franklin Lonson10, John Child9, Alanson8, Ichabod7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#10456) was born in MN 17 NOV 1902. Mary died 7 SEP 1987 in Cook Co., IL, at age 84.
She married George E. BRADDOCK IV date unknown. (George E. BRADDOCK IV is #11035.) George was born 1896. George died 1938 at age 42.
When Mary was age 31 and George E. BRADDOCK IV was age 37 they became the parents of George E. BRADDOCK V 27 JUN 1934 in IL.
Mary Elizabeth BARBER and George E. BRADDOCK IV had the following child:
1071 i. George E.12 BRADDOCK V (#11036) was born in IL 27 JUN 1934. George died 11 JUL 2000 in Las Vegas, NV, at age 66.
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