961. John Marvin12 BEHNY (Elizabeth May11 WITT, Thomas Jefferson10, Eliza Ann9 BARBER, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#7273) was born in Peru, Miami Co., IN 8 AUG 1904. John died 21 JUL 1968 at age 63.
He married Alma A. UPTON date unknown. (Alma A. UPTON is #7274.) Alma was born 9 MAR 1906 in IL. Alma died 1972 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN, at age 66.
When John was age 23 and Alma A. UPTON was age 22 they became the parents of Barbara A. BEHNY 1928 in Miami Co., IN. When John was age 43 and Alma A. UPTON was age 41 they became the parents of Kenneth Ralph BEHNY 2 SEP 1947 in Allen Co., IN.
John Marvin BEHNY and Alma A. UPTON had the following children:
1100 i. Barbara A.13 BEHNY (#8906) was born in Miami Co., IN 1928.
1101 ii. Kenneth Ralph BEHNY (#12547) (living status unknown).
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