966. Robert Charles12 HENDERSON (Birdie Ann11 SIGG, Mary Ellen10 WITT, Eliza Ann9 BARBER, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8132) was born in Defiance Co., OH 26 AUG 1917. Robert died 31 AUG 1971 in Lucas Co., OH, at age 54.
When Robert was age 30 and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP was age 22 they became the parents of Walter Franklin HENDERSON 20 JAN 1948. When Robert was age 32 and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP was age 24 they became the parents of Linda Sue HENDERSON 20 FEB 1950. When Robert was age 38 and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP was age 30 they became the parents of Nancy HENDERSON 2 APR 1956. When Robert was age 42 and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP was age 34 they became the parents of David HENDERSON NOV 1959. When Robert was age 49 and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP was age 41 they became the parents of James HENDERSON 14 JAN 1967.
Robert Charles HENDERSON and Elaine Sue SCHLUPP had the following children:
+ 1108 i. Walter Franklin13 HENDERSON (still alive).
+ 1109 ii. Linda Sue HENDERSON (still alive).
+ 1110 iii. Nancy HENDERSON (still alive).
+ 1111 iv. David HENDERSON (still alive).
1112 v. James HENDERSON (#8295) (still alive).
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