971. Mary Ellen12 SWINEHART (Rosa E. "Rosemary"11 SIGG, Mary Ellen10 WITT, Eliza Ann9 BARBER, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8308) was born in Lucas Co., OH 21 FEB 1915. Mary died 22 MAY 1948 in Lucas Co., OH, at age 33.
She married Edward Francis BEAUREGARD date unknown. (Edward Francis BEAUREGARD is #10691.) Edward was born 1913. Edward died 23 SEP 1923 in Lucas Co., OH, at age 10.
When Mary was age 18 and Edward Francis BEAUREGARD was age 20 they became the parents of Edward Francis BEAUREGARD Jr. 18 DEC 1933 in Lucas Co., OH. When Mary was age 20 and Edward Francis BEAUREGARD was age 22 they became the parents of Robert John BEAUREGARD 4 JAN 1936 in Lucas Co., OH. When Mary was age 20 and Edward Francis BEAUREGARD was age 22 they became the parents of Roberta Mae BEAUREGARD 4 JAN 1936 in Lucas Co., OH. When Mary was age 23 and Edward Francis BEAUREGARD was age 25 they became the parents of Rosalie Ann BEAUREGARD 31 JUL 1938 in Lucas Co., OH. Has a grand daughter Mary Ellen Gordon
She died of Leukemia
Mary Ellen SWINEHART and Edward Francis BEAUREGARD had the following children:
+ 1115 i. Edward Francis13 BEAUREGARD JR. was born 18 DEC 1933.
+ 1116 ii. Robert John BEAUREGARD (still alive).
+ 1117 iii. Roberta Mae BEAUREGARD (still alive).
+ 1118 iv. Rosalie Ann BEAUREGARD (still alive).
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