1097. Olga Yvonne13 SALTZ (Ruby L.12 WITT, John Addison11, Thomas Jefferson10, Eliza Ann9 BARBER, Thomas8, Benjamin B.7, Thomas6, Thomas5, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#8846) was born in Peru, Miami Co., IN 27 Aug 1921. Olga died 8 JAN 1974 at age 52.
She married twice. She married Robert E. DETER date unknown. (Robert E. DETER is #8848.) Robert was born 25 JUN 1912 in Whitley Co., IN. actual birth year was 1908 not 1912 Robert was the son of Carl DETER.
Robert died 29 JUN 1992 in Peoria Co., IL, at age 80. She married Carlos HAYNES date unknown. (Carlos HAYNES is #8868.)
When Olga was age 16 and Robert E. DETER was age 25 they became the parents of Mary Lou DETER MAY 1938. When Olga was age 17 and Robert E. DETER was age 26 they became the parents of Betty Ann DETER MAY 1939. When Olga was age 19 and Robert E. DETER was age 29 they became the parents of Barbara Jean DETER REUTER 1941 in Peru, Miami Co., IN. When Olga was age 21 and Robert E. DETER was age 30 they became the parents of John DETER REUTER DEC 1942 in Peru, Miami Co., IN. When Olga was age 22 and Robert E. DETER was age 31 they became the parents of Robert DETER JAN 1944. When Olga was age 29 and Robert E. DETER was age 39 they became the parents of Steven DETER 1951. 7 Children, 6 Living, 2nd. spouse Mr. Haynes
Olga Yvonne SALTZ and Robert E. DETER had the following children:
1246 i. John14 DETER REUTER (#8873) (still alive).
1247 ii. Mary Lou DETER (#8869) (still alive).
1248 iii. Betty Ann DETER (#8870) (still alive).
+ 1249 iv. Barbara Jean DETER REUTER (still alive).
+ 1250 v. John DETER REUTER was born DEC 1942.
1251 vi. Robert DETER (#8871) (still alive).
1252 vii. Steven DETER (#8872) was born 1951. Steven died 1952 at age 1.
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