229. Capt. Christopher Raymond7 PERRY (Hon. "Judge" Freeman6, Susannah5 BARBER, Moses4, James A.3, James T.2, Thomas1) (#3230) was born 4 DEC 1760. Capt. died 1 JUN 1818 at age 57.
He married Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER 2 AUG 1784 in S. Kingstown, RI. (Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER is #5344.) Sarah was born 1764 in Ireland. Sarah died 4 DEC 1830 in CT, at age 66.
When Capt. was age 24 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 21 they became the parents of Commodore Oliver Hazard PERRY 23 AUG 1785 in South Kingston, RI. Some report that his birth was on Aug. 20th.
When Capt. was age 26 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 23 they became the parents of Anna Maria PERRY 10 NOV 1787. When Capt. was age 28 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 24 they became the parents of Raymond Henry Jones PERRY 11 FEB 1789. When Capt. was age 30 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 26 they became the parents of Sarah Wallace PERRY 28 APR 1791. When Capt. was age 33 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 29 they became the parents of Matthew Calbraith PERRY 10 APR 1794 in RI. When Capt. was age 39 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 35 they became the parents of Jane Tweedy PERRY 15 DEC 1799. When Capt. was age 40 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 36 they became the parents of James Alexander PERRY 26 JUN 1801. When Capt. was age 41 and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER was age 38 they became the parents of Nathaniel Hazard PERRY 27 NOV 1802 in RI. The letter is written and signed by Captain Christopher Raymond Perry and was sent to a branch of the United States Bank in New York concerning Bills of Lading and a large sum of money owed by Perry for which he promises payment via the next packet sailing to New York.
The letter indicates that Bills of Lading were included with this letter. The cover and Bills of Lading with the postal markings (if present) were most likely on another sheet and not included with this item. The letter might have been sent via Packet from Newport to New York at the prevailing rate of 17 cents for mail traveling between 150 and 300 miles set by the Postal Act of March 2, 1799 or it might have been carried privately outside of the postal system by a fellow ship's captain.
The Text of the letter and a biography of Christopher Raymond Perry follow below:
Newport July 28, 1800
You I Presume have in this received Bills of Lading for a considerable amt. signed by me -- The money will be sent to N. Y. by the next packet, which will sail in a few days --
Your Obedient Servant, Chris. Raymond Perry
The Cashier of the U.S. Branch Bank Of New York
The Perry's were of Quaker stock and the first of the family to make the voyage to America was Edward Perry, who arrived in the Plymouth Colony in 1639. Edward and his sons Samuel and Benjamin remained in constant trouble with the Puritan authorities of the Plymouth Colony and in 1704 the family moved to Rhode Island.
Christopher Raymond Perry was born on December 4, 1760 in South Kingston, Rhode Island to "Judge" Freeman Perry (The son of Benjamin Perry) and Mercy Hazard. In 1777 Chris joined a local quasi-military organization known as the "Kingston Reds." During his membership in the "Reds," Perry is said to have shot and killed the Tory farmer, Simeon Tucker.
In January of the year following the killing of Simeon, Christopher signed on as a seaman on the Privateer "Yankee" out of Bristol, Rhode Island after which, he shipped on the Privateer "Mifflin." The "Mifflin" was captured by a British Cruiser and young Chris was sent to the British Prison Hulk "Jersey" in New York Harbor. (The British Prison Hulks were virtual death traps and many Americans died while imprisoned on board these rotting, disease infested hell-holes. It is estimated that over six thousand prisoners died on the "Jersey" during the Revolution.) Christopher eventually escaped and turned up at his father's house in South Kingston half-dead from starvation and fever. After recovering his strength, Christopher shipped out once again, this time on the Man of War "Trumbull" under Captain Nicholson.
The "Trumbull" fought one of the bloodiest battles of the Revolution against the British Man of War "Watt." Both ships had to return to their home ports for repairs and Christopher, not waiting for his ship to be repaired, shipped on another Privateer in 1780. The ship was captured in the Irish Sea and Christopher was sent as a prisoner to Newry in Ireland. American Prisoners in Ireland were granted parole and had free access to move around. Christopher became friends with William Bailey Wallace (of the famous Scottish Clan) and through him made the acquaintance of his future wife, Sarah Wallace.
Perry broke Parole in 1782, shipping on a British Merchantman out of Cork bound for the island of Saint Thomas. He then shipped on an American Bark for Charleston, South Carolina. By the time Christopher arrived back in the colonies; he found that the war had ended and he made his way to Philadelphia and shipped aboard a vessel sailing for Ireland as First Mate. Much to the surprise of Chris, he found that Sarah Wallace was one of three passengers awaiting passage to Philadelphia. Christopher and Sarah were married in Philadelphia at the home of Dr. Rush, (her guardian) and then returned to the home of his father, Freeman Perry in South Kingston.
In 1798, when war threatened with France, Christopher was appointed as Post Captain and sent to Warren, Rhode Island to supervise the construction and take command of the frigate "General Greene." He sailed to Haiti and assisted Toussaint L'Ouverture in his assault on the fort at Jacmel. From 1800 to 1808 he sailed as Captain on various merchant vessels and in 1808 he was made Collector of Customs for the port of Newport, Rhode Island.
Christopher and Sarah had eight children; Oliver Hazard Perry, Anna Maria Perry, Raymond Henry Jones Perry, Sarah Wallace Perry, Matthew Calbraith Perry, Jane Tweedy Perry, Nathaniel Hazard Perry, and James Alexander Perry. All five sons followed in their father's footsteps and entered the Naval Service. Two of Christopher's sons; Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry (See: Oliver Hazard Perry $1 Issue of 1894 & Bio) and Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry, (See: Matthew Perry First Day Cover and Bio) were famous Naval Heroes.
Christopher Raymond Perry died on June 1, 1818 in Newport, Rhode Island.
Some Descendants:
Capt. Christopher Raymond Perry's descendants number in the thousands today. Some of his notable descendants include;[5]
Matthew Calbraith Butler,[6] (March 8, 1836 April 14, 1909). He was an American military commander and politician from South Carolina. He served as a major general in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War, postbellum three-term United States Senator, and a major general in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War. Christopher Raymond Perry Rodgers (November 4, 1819 January 8, 1892) was an officer in the United States Navy. He served in the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, as Superintendent of the Naval Academy, and Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Squadron. Rear Admiral Thomas S. Rodgers (August 18, 1858 February 28, 1931) was an officer in the United States Navy who served during the Spanish-American War and World War I. Rear Admiral Raymond Perry Rodgers (December 20, 1849 - December 28, 1925) was an officer in the United States Navy and the second head of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Calbraith Perry Rodgers (January 12, 1879 April 3, 1912) was a pioneer American aviator who was the first civilian to purchase a Wright Flyer and the first to make a transcontinental flight. John Rodgers (January 15, 1881 August 27, 1926) was an officer in the United States Navy and an early aviator. Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont (November 12, 1858June 10, 1908) was a wealthy American socialite and United States Representative from New York. Perry Belmont (December 28, 1851 May 25, 1947), United States statesman, was born in New York City. August Belmont, Jr., (February 18, 1853 - December 10, 1924), was an American financier, the builder of New York's Belmont Park racetrack, and a major owner/breeder of Thoroughbred racehorses.
Capt. Christopher Raymond PERRY and Sarah Wallace ALEXANDER had the following children:
Cammodore Oliver Hazard Perry
Commodore Oliver Hazard8 PERRY was born 23 AUG
Anna Maria PERRY (#5348) was born 10 NOV 1787. Anna died 7 DEC 1856 at age 69. She
married Com. George ROGERS date unknown. (Com. George ROGERS is #10429.)
Raymond Henry Jones PERRY (#5345) was born 11 FEB 1789. Raymond died 12 MAR 1836 at age 47.
Sarah Wallace PERRY (#5346) was born 28 APR 1791. Sarah died JAN 1851 at age 59.
Matthew Calbraith PERRY was born 10 APR 1794.
Jane Tweedy PERRY (#5349) was born 15 DEC 1799. Jane died 1 JAN 1875 at age 75. She
married Dr. William BUTLER Jr. date unknown. (Dr. William BUTLER Jr. is #9594.) U.S. Congressman
James Alexander PERRY (#5350) was born 26 JUN 1801. James died 9 MAR 1822 at age 20.
Nathaniel Hazard PERRY was born 27 NOV 1802.
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